4301 Van Buren St. University Park, MD 20782 301-927-5599
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"I wish you could have seen the attentive faces of the children watching the puppet show -- once again your show brought much happiness." 
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Rufus: Think of the most lovable little dog you've ever seen and double it that's Rufus! Rufus is caught in a time warp that only Albert Einstein could explain. In the show, he's a four year old boy who's been lost from his master and home, fending for himself in the often harsh "real world". Rufus has been performing the role of "Rufus" for over 25 years now (our oldest production), making him 175 dog years old. Go figure. Rufus is fond of sleeping on the bed with his human family, Lassie reruns, and vanilla ice cream eaten on the sly. He loves big parties because of all the free food and he has recently overcome his disappointment at being passed over for the role of Eddy on Frasier. If Rufus has a flaw it's that he can be obnoxious about his need for constant petting. |
Dr. Tooth DDS: Educated at Cornell and the Georgetown Dental School, he is the local dentist. A walrus, his practice is equally at home in water and on land. He specializes in oral surgery and gum flappery. Very civic minded, he sits on the board of directors of numerous charities, including the Winky Dinky Pondrosa Tandaqeery Pre School where he recently oversaw the construction of the school's new science lab. Favorite food: Salmon that's been marinated in his special concoction of lime juice, soy and basil and then grilled for exactly 16 minutes on a Mesquite grill. |
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Bucky: Bucky comes from a long line of show business dogs. His parents belonged to Jim Nabors of Gomer Pyle fame where he learned his distinctive vocal nuance, or "twang". A study in contrasts, Bucky divides his time between being an avid fan of professional wrestling and practicing his cello with reasonable aspirations towards the Juilliard School of Music in the not too distant future. Favorite junk food: Snickers "I not only like the way they taste, but the name cracks me up as well...huyuck...snickers...huyuck". |
Bananaman: Bananaman started his professional career as a disc jockey in Philadelphia before retiring in disgust from the music business to pursue his true calling as a reading specialist at the Winky Dink School. He cites as his major DJ influences the Big Bopper and the Rockin Robin. He will now only occasionally delight his students with fantastic rhyming word play from "the old days'. He refuses to listen to or even discuss rap music preferring to listen to a Doo Whop compilation CD he's made while cruising around town in his vintage 1956 red Thunderbird convertible. |
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Gorga Blast: Gorgablast is also a reading teacher at the Winky Dink School. Past jobs of hers have included: research engineer at the Butane Lighter Factory, creation of training videos for the fire department, stage manager for the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and special effects consultant for Industrial Light and Magic. Regrets: "I never had a chance to go one on one with St George. He may have been a saint and all, but I heard he was overrated". |
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4301 Van Buren St. University Park, MD 20782 301-927-5599